S - Meanings & Affirmations
SAGGING LINES: Sagging lines on face comes from sagging thoughts in the mind. Resentment of life.
Affirmation: I express the joy of living and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day totally. I become young again.
SCABIES: Infected thinking. Allowing others to get under your skin.
Affirmation: I am the living, loving, joyous expression of life. I am my own person.
SCIATICA: Being hypocritical. Fear of money and of the future.
Affirmation: I move into my greater mood. My good is everywhere and I am safe and secure.
SCLERODERMA: Protecting the self from life. Not trusting yourself to be there and to take care of yourself.
Affirmation: I relax completely for I now know I am safe. I trust Life and I trust myself.
SCOLIOSIS: See Round Shoulders
SCRATCHES: Feeling life tears at you, that life is a rip-off. That you are being ripped off.
Affirmation: I am grateful for my life's generosity to me. I am blessed.
SEASICKNESS: Fear. Fear of Death. Lack of control.
Affirmation: I am totally safe in the Universe. I am at peace everywhere. I trust life.
SEIZURES: Running away from the family, from the self, or from life.
Affirmation: I am at home in the Universe. I am safe and secure and understood.
SENILITY: Returning to the so-called safety of childhood. Demanding care and attention. A form of control of those around you. Escapism.
Affirmation: Divine protection. Safety. Peace. The intelligence of the Universe operates at entry level of life.
SHIN(S): Breaking down ideas. Shins represent the standards of life.
Affirmation: I live up to my highest standards with love and with joy.
SHINGLES: Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Fear and tension. Too sensitive.
Affirmation: I am relaxed and peaceful because i trust the process of life. All is well in my world.
SHOULDERS : Represent our ability to carry out experiences in life joyously. We make life a burden by our attitude.
Affirmation: I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.
SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: A belief that one is not good enough, which destroys the very joy of life.
Affirmation: This child lives and breathes the joy of life and is nourished by love. God works miracles every day.
SINUS PROBLEMS: Irritation to one person, someone close.
Affirmation: I declare peace and harmony indwell me and surround me at all times. All is well.
SKELETON: Crumbling of structure. Bones represent the structure of your life.
Affirmation: I am strong and sound. I am well structured.
SKIN: Protects our individuality. A sense organ.
Affirmation: I feel safe to be me.
SKIN PROBLEMS: Anxiety, fear. Old, buried guck. I am being threatened.
Affirmation: I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free in this moment.
SLIPPED DISK: Feeling totally unsupported by life. Indecisive.
Affirmation: Life supports all of my thoughts; therefore, I love and approve of myself and all is well.
SNORING: Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. I move from the past into the new and fresh and vital.
SOLAR PLEXUS: Gut reactions. Center of our intuitive power.
Affirmation: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.
SORE THROAT: Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.
Affirmation: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.
SORES: Unexpressed anger that settles in.
Affirmation: I express my emotions in joyous, positive ways.
SPASMS: Tightening our thoughts through fear.
Affirmation: I release, I relax, and I let go. I am safe in life.
SPASTIC COLITIS: Fear of letting go. Insecurity.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to live. Life will always provide for me. All is well.
SPINAL CURVATURE: The inability to flow with the support of life. Fear and trying to hold on to old ideas. Not trusting life. Lack of integrity. No courage of conviction.
Affirmation: I release all fears. I now trust the process of life. I know that life is for me. I stand straight and tall with love.
SPINAL MENGINGITIS: Inflamed thinking and rage at life.
Affirmation: I release all blame and accept the peacefulness and joy of Life.
SPINE: Flexible support of life.
Affirmation: I am supported by life.
SPLEEN: Obsessions. Being obsessed about things.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life to be there for me. I am safe. All is well.
SPRAINS: Anger and resistance. Not wanting to move in a certain direction in life.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life to take me only to my highest good. I am at peace.
STERILITY: Fear and resistance to the process of life, or not needing to go through the parenting experience.
Affirmation: I trust in the process of life. I am always in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. I love and approve of myself.
STIFF NECK: Un-bending bull-headedness.
Affirmations: It is safe to see other view points.
STIFFNESS: Rigid, stiff thinking.
Affirmation: I am safe enough to be flexible in my mind.
STOMACH: Holds nourishment. Digests ideas.
Affirmation: I digest life with ease.
STOMACH PROBLEMS: Dread. Fear of the new. Inability to assimilate the new.
Affirmation: Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new every moment of everyday. All is well.
STROKE: Giving up. Resistance. "Rather die than change."
Affirmation: Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life - past, present and future.
STUTTERING: Insecurity. Lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.
Affirmation: I am free to speak up for myself. I am now secure in my own expression. I communicate only with Love.
STY: Looking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.
Affirmation: I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.
SUICIDE: See life only in black and white. Refusal to see another way out.
Affirmation: I live in the totality of possibilities. There is always another way. I am safe.
SWELLING: Being stuck in thinking. Clogged, painful ideas.
Affirmation: My thoughts flow freely and easily. I move through ideas with ease.
SYPHILIS: Giving away your power and effectiveness.
Affirmation: I decide to be me. I approve of myself as I am.