Moon Phases & Their Meanings

Moon cycles signify the same similarity as a seed: it is planted, grows into a flower over time, and the dies out.
Once we allow ourselves to be attuned to the Moon, we are able to activate her innate powers and embody her innate qualities of fluidity, creativity, femininity, and change.
The moon may also represent our deepest personal needs. We can use the guidance and energy of the Moon’s cycle to guide us to connect to our inner self.
For each phase of the Moon’s cycle there is a unique visual characteristic and spiritual meaning.
New Moon
This phase of the Moon is positioned in between the Earth and the Sun so it makes it difficult to see through the human eye. This moon phase represents new beginnings.
Waxing Crescent Moon
‘Waxing’ signifies the Moon’s illumination is growing, and ‘Crescent’ means less than half of the Moon is illuminated. This moon phase represents setting intentions.
First Quarter Moon
This is where exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. This particular moon cycle represents decision making.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
‘Waxing’ signifies the Moon’s illumination is growing and ‘Gibbous’ means more than half of the Moon is illuminated. This moon phase represents clarification.
Full Moon
This is where the Sun illuminates the entire moon. This particular moon cycle represents releasing what no longer serves us and grounding in our intentions.
Waning Gibbous
‘Waning’ refers to the decreasing of the Moon’s illumination, and ‘Gibbous’ means more than half of Moon illuminated. This moon phase represents gratitude.
Third Quarter
This is where exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. You will see the opposite side of the First Quarter Moon. This moon phase represents forgiveness.
Waning Crescent
‘Waning’ refers to the shrinking of the Moon’s illumination, and ‘Crescent’ means less than half of the Moon is illuminated. This particular moon cycle represents us to surrender.
New Moon
This phase of the Moon is positioned in between the Earth and the Sun so it makes it difficult to see through the human eye. This moon phase represents new beginnings, and the moon cycle begins again.