
How well are you with patience? We tend to have this habit, when we want something done, we want it now. Then we get frustrated because it’s not happening as quickly as we want. 

This is how our journey works. It’s a process. Events are to happen as they are to happen. People say everything happens for a reason. I believe everything happens in Divine Timing. We don’t have control on how things should happen. We just have control on how we react to the situation. 

Patience is key to being calm in a fast paced lifestyle. Moments will definitely present themselves to test you patience. If you have difficulty with this, maybe it’s time that you learn how to have patience. It takes time. But it will be worth it in the long run. Meditation is one way that can help with learning patience. 

What are you doing to practice patience? How patient are you?

Your Journey is a reflection of what you plant. 
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