Evening Reflection for June 14, 2020

When was the last time you felt in pure bliss? What comes to mind? Is it something materialistic or is it an experience you had that had nothing to do with an object? 

Majority of people put their happiness into the 'things' they have. So what happens if those things were to be taken from you? Would you still be happy? ⁣

Have you ever met those people who are just so humble and live with just the necessities? I've met quite a few of them and let me tell you, their way of thinking and their way of life is so inspiring. They give you a different perception of life.⁣

Maybe it's time that we stop looking for objects to make us happy. Giving your power away to just wanting more things is feeding your ego and it will just end up leaving you feeling unsatisfied in the long run, because you are just going to want more. ⁣

Reflect on this question and see what comes up for you,⁣
What if I didn't have all of this stuff, only the necessities, what would make me happy?
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